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  • Allen

It’s cold or I’m cold?

I'm driving along in the car to Connecticut with my wife. I try to be a layer down from her so the temperature in the car is comfortable for both of us. The dashboard has his/her controls whic is quite nice but that only goes so far in a car. So I'm in a T-shirt while she's has a thick sweater on. And in this rare occasion she has the window open. As I feel the cool air breeze across my skin, my automatic thought is that "it's cold". And then an almost imperceptible second thought of "I'm cold". But then I ask myself am I really cold? Or has my mind so conjoined cold sensing with cold feeling that I almost can't tell the difference? How many of those things do our minds couple together so unconsciously?

I focus on just feeling the air on my skin. Not labeling it. Just experiencing it. The cold is really just a sensory event, and the "I'm cold" is clearly an auto response. "Nope, I'm not really cold" I realize after sitting with it for a bit. If you think of it where does this automatic combo of sense and perception show up for you ...but that's not really true?


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